Division of Labor between Men and Women in the Perspective of Pierre Bourdieu
https://doi.org/10.35719/annisa.v16i1.131The division of tasks between husband and wife could be more balanced. Wives who work in the public sector still have a double burden with household chores that are still assigned to them. This article aims to describe how the division of labor between men and women in Curah Leduk Hamlet and how the structured process of helping husbands work in the coffee plantations by women in Curah Leduk Hamlet is a fulfillment of their daily family needs from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu. Research on the structured process of helping husbands to work in coffee plantations for women in Curah Leduk Hamlet as a fulfillment of their daily family needs uses a naturalistic interpretive paradigm. Therefore, the research approach uses qualitative methods with this type of field research. The results of this study show that women in Curah Leduk Hamlet, in practice, still do domestic work but also help men work in the public sector. In view Pierre Bourdieu, this is because the socialization of the rural environment, such as the obligation of women to obey their husbands, the duties of being in the domestic space or taking care of the household and caring for children, are still carried out by women even when they become a wife. That is what forms this tradition to date.
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